The Cast of the Chibi-Knights Comic
(Yes, the portraits are animated, and they do more a little more than just blink every so often!  Keep an eye on them!!!)

There are actually more than 30 characters in this fun-filled loon-iverse!  These are just a small handful of what's to come.

Name: Wallin Halisar (a.k.a. Walter)
Date of Birth:
May 9th

Favorite Color: Cerulean blue
Favorite Food:
Snow cones
Favorite Anime:
Love Hina
Favorite Manga:
Card Captor Sakura
Favorite Video Game: Secret of Mana

So far, Wallin has been in every comic (LUCKY!!!).  He's an innocent (or clueless) kind of guy who excels in many activities, except cooking.  Give him a box of macaroni and an electric stove and he'll show you how to cause a nuclear explosion in under 7 minutes!  He's a man you can depend on, except when it comes to matters of the stomach.

Name: Relaris Angelight (a.k.a. Karen)
Date of Birth:
January 31st

Favorite Flower: White rose
Favorite Food:
Anything with strawberries
Favorite Anime:
Please Save My Earth
Favorite Song:
First Love by Utada Hikaru
Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Relaris has only been in one comic (the MT special), but there will definitely be more in store for her!  She's the semi-typical girl; loves pretty dresses, flower arranging, and going to see romantic movies.  But watch out!  Get her angry and she'll make you the target of her daily archery exercises.  And believe me, she doesn't need the practice.

Name: Janie Clemings
Date of Birth:
November 13th

Favorite Subject: Social Studies (History)
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Food:
Blueberry pancakes
Favorite Anime:
Oh My Goddess!
Favorite Video Game: Super Smash Bros. Melee

Janie is the typical "good girl" and tries to be as kind and warm as she can (except when she's in the comic).  She has a trouble saying "no", but she does have her limits.  After college, she wants to be an archeologist.  For fun she likes shopping or working on her computer.  When she's not out of the house, Janie is found at home babysitting her little brother.

Name: Henry Parker
Date of Birth:
August 29th

Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Food:
A pizza with everything, except olives
Favorite Ice Cream:
Mint chocolate chip
Favorite Anime:
Ranma 1/2
Favorite Video Game: Shining Force

Henry is one of Wallin's male friends who has appeared in the comic whenever Janie hasn't.   He is a great athlete and prefers football or hockey over other sports.  If he's stuck indoors, he's either lifting weights or practicing his saxophone.  Henry may be a typical jock, but he isn't a naive or stupid kind of guy.

Name: Jhev Solnaheir (A.K.A. Joe)
Date of Birth:
July 23rd

Favorite Activity: Fishing
Favorite Food:
Caramel apples
Favorite Anime:
Arc the Lad
Favorite Video Game:
Dead or Alive 3
Favorite RPG: Lunar: Silver Star Story

Jhev hasn't shown up in the comics at all yet, but, sooner or later he'll make an appearance.  He's a newbie mathematics teacher at Wallin's high school who tends to slack off when it comes to assigning any sort of work.  He chose his job because of his love for children, but Jhev will admit that he'd rather go fishing than teach trigonometry. 

Name: Artholomin Borvigustus (A.K.A. Arthur)
Date of Birth:
March 10th

Favorite Drink: Cranberry juice
Favorite Food:
Curry-flavored ramen
Favorite Anime:
Favorite Video Game:
Super Mario Sunshine
Favorite MMORPG: Ultima Online

Artholomin's made a single appearance so far in the comic, and like the other characters, he also has the ability to put Wallin into degrading situations.  He's a bit antisocial, a lone wolf in training, but he gets along just fine with the rest of the group, and he'll have plenty to offer to the endless insanity that is Chibi-Knights.

Name: Melarey Gesepila (A.K.A. Melody)
Date of Birth:
April 9th

Favorite Dessert: Soft vanilla ice-cream with cherry dip
Favorite Food:
Favorite Anime:
Angelic Layer
Favorite Video Game: Chrono Trigger
Favorite Season: Autumn

Melarey has appeared once in the comic during the presidential voting season, and she has shown up in the Artwork section a while back - the same time as Artholomin.  She holds a vital role in the Chibi-Knights story, though her age has yet to be decided.  Currently she's 15 years old, not much younger than the rest of the group, but Melarey knows best that things have a way of changing.

Name: Max Madison
Date of Birth:
September 23rd

Favorite Vehicle: Motorcycle
Favorite Food:
Meatball Subs
Favorite Thing to Wear: Red shirt with a golden wing patch
Favorite Anime:
Fruits Basket
Favorite Video Game: Gradius V

Max is a cheerful and friendly guy who enjoys tuning up and riding his motorcycle.  He has a great interest in science, especially in physics.  His first appearance in the comic was behind the security desk when Wallin lost his I.D. card and flipped out.  Max isn't exactly a pushover, but he knows when to hide behind a desk for cover.


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